Monday, June 11, 2012


So, I thought I should fill in the six-month gap of my blog. S and I arrived home in Perth in mid-ish December. S only stayed for a few days before heading north to our hometown so that he could spend Christmas with his family. I stayed in Perth with my family. January was spent in Kalbarri with my parents, helping them pack up their house. Last year my dad had a pretty serious boat accident and I think because of that (plus a few other reasons) my parents decided to move to South Australia where they own a house. It was fun, but a little bit sad at the same time. I LOVE Kalbarri and have never seen the other house. Plus, it is now a lot harder to see the - about 5ish hours by plane from Perth. Although we haven't been spending much time in Perth.

While our Europe trip was coming to an end, S and I came to a decision. We decided to delay 'real life'- work for me and a dip ed for him - for a little bit longer. From the end of January til mid April, we have been back in our hometown working. During this time, we went through the edges of two cyclones, I showed my old host-sister and brother from Sweden around Perth and I had my graduation ceremony from university.

And now, we are back in Paris. We decided to come back to Europe for three months but instead of travelling around, just stay in the one spot. We rented an apartment in the heart of Paris and have been taking French classes and living the bohemian lifestyle. It has been absolutely amazing so far. The weather hasn't been perfect (quite cold and rainy for the most part) but that doesn't even matter. At times I still can't even believe that we are here. We are unfortunately past the halfway mark and I REALLY don't want to go back to Australia just yet. I wish that we had decided to live here for a year but that just isn't a viable option for us at the moment.

I have to admit, I am a little worried that we are going to take our time here for granted and miss out on stuff - like today, for example. I have been lounging around our apartment, reading and relaxing. But I feel like I should be out there, EXPERIENCING stuff. Hopefully the blog will help force me out the house, so that I have experiences and stories to record.

Anyway, here are a few pictures from my six-month gap:

C xx

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